For Immediate Release
May 5, 2016
Don’t Write Off Kids With Autism
QUEEN’S PARK – Today in the Legislature Ernie Hardeman, MPP for Oxford, asked the Premier to reconsider her decision to cut off services for autistic kids like five-year-old Xavier.
“Xavier’s IBI is being phased out immediately because at age five the government says he is too old,” said Hardeman during the question. “Will the Premier reconsider and give Xavier and other children like him the services they need?”
The PC Caucus used every question in question period to share stories of children with autism who have been removed from the Intensive Behaviour Intervention therapy wait list or are having their services terminated.
Hardeman shared the story of Xavier, a five year old with autism who has been on the waiting list for IBI since he was three years and seven months. Xavier finally started IBI this January but his parents have been informed that the therapy will be ending.
“I cannot express the emotional factor involved when your 5 year old essentially talks to you for the first time. This is all from the one on one sessions with Instructors thoroughly trained in IBI,” Xavier’s mother Janna said in an email to Hardeman. “Yesterday I was informed the provincial government is going to be taking away IBI from my son. It will be phased out immediately and he will be transitioned back to school.”
On Monday Hardeman had shared the story of Lawson, a six-year-old with autism who has also been told he is being transitioned off IBI.
“The government is denying kids the treatment they need because at age five they say they are too old but the stories from parents make it clear that IBI still works and makes a huge difference in the lives of these children,” said Hardeman.
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For more information, contact:
Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford
(416) 325-1239