Hardeman launches Ontario Agriculture Survey

WOODSTOCK- Today Ernie Hardeman, Oxford MPP and PC Critic for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, launched a survey of Ontario farmers to identify what steps should be taken to ensure Ontario’s agriculture industry is competitive and sustainable.

“I’ve heard a lot from farmers about their concerns that overregulation is preventing the growth of their business,” said Hardeman. “To stay competitive in an ever-changing global economy, farmers must focus on growing top-quality food, not getting caught up in bureaucratic red tape. Through this survey I hope to identify specific regulations that should be reviewed.”

With there results, Hardeman will continue to hold the current government to account and develop policy proposals to strengthen the province’s agriculture industry. This is one way that the PC Caucus continues to work for rural Ontario.

“This government continues to ignore problems in rural Ontario,” Hardeman said. “If they are not prepared to protect and support Ontario farmers, I will make sure that our province’s agriculture industry is being properly represented here at Queen’s Park.”

This survey will give farmers the opportunity to articulate what they need to grow and be competitive. It also asks about the impact of the drought on their farm.

Hardeman is inviting farmers to participate in the survey to share their concerns and experiences. Those who wish to share their thoughts can complete the online survey at www.ErnieHardemanMPP/agriculture. To request a copy please call 416-325-1239 or e-mail ernie.hardeman@pc.ola.org.

“I want to thank farmers who take the time to respond and provide useful information and constructive suggestions that will strengthen Ontario’s agriculture industry,” said Hardeman.


For more information, contact:
Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford
(416) 325-1239