Hardeman Reintroduces Landfill Bill on World Water Day

QUEEN’S PARK-Today in the legislature, Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford, reintroduced his private members bill: Respecting Municipal Authority Over Landfilling Sites Act as he recognized World Water Day.

“I’ve often raised concerns in this legislature about a landfill proposal in Beachville on fractured limestone near the Thames River and close to one of the Town of Ingersoll’s main wells, which would put our water at risk,” said Hardeman during the statement. “Today as we celebrate World Water Day I want to remind the government of the importance of protecting our ground water and ensuring that our drinking water is not put at risk.”

Hardeman’s bill would provide municipalities with the right to approve the location of new landfills within their jurisdictions. When the government prorogues the Legislature all bills die on the order paper but MPP Hardeman reintroduced the bill and committed to pushing it forward to give all municipalities the right to landfill approval.

“Currently, waste companies only need approval from the Ministry of Environment, but I believe municipalities should have a real say in the future of their community,” said Hardeman. “I understand the significant impact a landfill can have on a community and believe that residents should be able to say yes or no to a landfill proposal, rather than having one forced upon them by the provincial government.”

Nearly 30 municipalities have passed resolutions asking for this authority. A further 150 municipal leaders have signed petitions demanding the right and are in the process of passing similar motions in their own councils. Municipalities are demanding the right to have a say on landfills that affect their communities and their water supply.

“World Water Day is the perfect opportunity to recognize the need to protect the environment and all of the natural resources we depend on—especially water,” Hardeman said.




For more information, contact:

Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford

(416) 325-1239