Hardeman supports local businesses in Woodstock
WOODSTOCK —Today Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford, along with Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch and Woodstock BIA Manager Kelly Morrison, visited local businesses to promote the importance of shopping local and supporting our local economy.
“Around the holiday season, it is especially important to remember our local businesses and the great products and services that are available close to home,” Hardeman said. “Not only do these businesses make it easy to shop close to home, they also work hard to make our communities vibrant and festive.”
Hardeman launched a Shop Local, Buy Local initiative to encourage residents to support local businesses in response to recent plant closures and layoff announcements in the riding. The initiative builds on existing buy local campaigns by bringing greater awareness to the importance of supporting local businesses.
Recently, the City of Woodstock passed a resolution supporting the initiative and urging the provincial government to support small businesses and make it easier for businesses to operate in Ontario.
“I’m very pleased that our MPP is promoting Shop Local. This is of utmost importance to the Friendly City,” said Birtch. “By shopping local and purchasing products made in our region the quality of life for all of our community improves.”
The Woodstock BIA is also a strong supporter of the Shop Local initiative, having launched their own campaign in 2003.
“The Downtown Woodstock BIA was happy to hear that our MPP had chosen a Shop Local message for his new campaign; especially during the Christmas Shopping Season. This time of year is a make it or break it for many of our small independent merchants in Downtown, but the Shop Local message never gets old,” Morrison said. “Today we still include the message on all of our retail driven promotions – including our Thursday Farmers’ Market. When you Shop Local, you make a difference, you’re supporting locally-owned businesses that help build our community. “
“Whether you’re looking for gifts, family activities, or food for Christmas gatherings, you can find it at one of the many great local businesses in Oxford,” Hardeman said. “This Christmas I encourage everyone to give their communities a gift by supporting local businesses.”
For more information on shopping and buying local, visit www.ErnieHardemanMPP.com/shop-local-buy-local.
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For more information, contact:
Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford
(519) 537-5222