Letter to Minister Bradley re: Landfill proposal
Hon. James Bradley
Minister of the Environment
Ferguson Block, 11th Flr
77 Wellesley St. W
Toronto, ON M7A 2T5
Dear Minister Bradley,
During the recent election the one thing that the Ontario PC Party, Green Party, NDP and Liberal candidates in Oxford all agreed on was that the Walker landfill should not be allowed at their proposed site in Beachville.
As I, and many members of the community have pointed out to you previously, locating a landfill on this site would put our community’s drinking water at risk.
The community is putting significant resources – both volunteer time and fundraised money – into fighting the landfill. They should not have to do this when there is already widespread agreement that this site is not appropriate.
I ask that you update me on the status of the Terms of Reference and that you use your authority to block this proposal at the earliest opportunity so that we protect our drinking water without depleting our community’s resources.
Ernie Hardeman, MPP