Dear Minister Wynne,
Where are you? In contrast to last summer when we suffered through the drought, this year’s rain has caused flooding and crop damage in many parts of Ontario. Over the past few weeks I’ve met with farmers near Ottawa and in the Holland Marsh that saw their crops destroyed. On Monday I am going to Chatham-Kent to meet with farmers and see the crop damage there.
Minister, many of these farmers have suffered significant damage to their crops and it is too late for them to replant this year.
I find it disturbing that there is no evidence you have been out meeting with farmers, walking the fields, and seeing the damage first-hand. The job of Minister of Agriculture and Food is not just attending annual general meetings and photo-ops. It’s not enough to make announcements from Toronto and have good staff. It is being there when the farmers need you, learning first-hand about the problems they are facing and getting your boots dirty.
I invite you to join me on Monday to see the flood damage in southwestern Ontario and I encourage you to visit farmers in Eastern Ontario and Holland Marsh in the next few days. As Minister of Agriculture and Food I hope that you will do the right thing for our farmers and make it a priority to meet with them and see the impact of the flooding first-hand.
Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford
PC Critic for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs