Walker Environmental Assessment
For Immediate Release
March 3, 2020
Statement from Ernie Hardeman, MPP for Oxford,
regarding Walker Environmental Assessment
TORONTO – “I understand that Walker Environmental Group released a draft environmental assessment for a three-and-a-half-month review period. Comments on the draft have to be considered prior to formal submission of the final environmental assessment.
“I have heard directly from my constituents about this proposed landfill and I know this project has been a significant concern for everyone in our community.
“I applaud the Town of Ingersoll for requesting a town hall on the issue. It is important for Walker to hear directly from members of our community as well and I echo the community’s request for them to hold a town hall on the environmental assessment where residents will have an opportunity to voice their concerns in an official forum.
“I have said it before but it bears repeating; landfills should not be forced onto communities that have legitimate environmental concerns. It should be the people on the ground who know their communities better than anyone that make these types of local decisions.”