Wynne Gives Rural Money to Toronto Businesses

QUEEN’S PARK – Today, Ernie Hardeman, Oxford MPP and PC Critic for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs questioned Premier Wynne on why she gave Rural Economic Development Program funding to businesses in Toronto, Markham and Woodbridge.

“One of the few programs that is available to rural Ontario is the Rural Economic Development Program. It is a program designed to assist businesses and communities in rural areas to succeed,” said Hardeman. “Premier, can you explain to the people of Ontario why you gave funds designated for rural communities to businesses in Toronto last week?”

Wynne announced the Rural Economic Development funding in Woodbridge on Friday September 13, 2013.

“Many rural communities desperately need jobs. Your spiralling hydro rates are forcing businesses to close. We’ve lost over 9,000 jobs because of your government’s decision on horseracing,” said Hardeman during the question. “And now you are giving money from the rural economic development program to businesses in Markham, Woodbridge and Toronto.”

During the question Hardeman pointed out that the Rural Economic Development program guidelines define rural as: “For the purposes of the RED Program ‘rural” encompasses all of Ontario with the exception of Greater Toronto Area and eight large urban areas.”

“I’m disappointed that after six months of serving as the Minister of Agriculture and Food the Premier still isn’t making rural Ontario a priority and in fact is taking money away from our rural communities to give it to Toronto businesses,” said Hardeman.

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For more information, contact:
Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford
(416) 325-1239/(519) 537-5222